伸展你的筋骨吧! Stretch and Lift Your Body
Stretch and Lift Your Body
#心理 #運動競技 #健康
9/14 生活英語
作者 Enjoy Editors
閱讀時間 5分鐘
聽講解 聽朗讀
伸展你的筋骨吧! Stretch and Lift Your Body
目錄 / You Can Do This 英文試金石 / 中文翻譯
休閒小站|本集 精彩教學影片(講解老師:Chris & Minnie 老師)
Pilates exercises are good for the body and mind.
Pilates is a system of exercise that was developed by Joseph Pilates, a German fitness trainer, in the early 20th century. He created the exercises while he was in prison in the UK during World War I. After the war, he improved the program and brought it to the United States. He taught students in a studio with his wife in New York City.
Pilates classes have always been popular with dancers. In the mid-2000s, the exercises became more and more popular with the public. Many people are attracted to Pilates because it is a form of exercise that can build strength in the body without creating large muscles. Also, the exercises improve flexibility and stability.
There are six main principles in Pilates: centering, concentration, precision, control, breathing, and flow. Unlike other exercises, it is more effective to perform each Pilates movement once or twice, with good form and deep breathing. Pilates mainly trains the core muscles, which are the large muscle groups around the stomach, hips, and back. The classes usually use equipment such as foam rollers, resistance bands, and Pilates mats.
Words in Use
equipment [ɪˋkwɪpmənt]
n. 裝備(集合名詞,不可數)
strength [strɛŋθ]
n. 力量;優點
perform [pɚˋfɔrm]
vt. 執行;履行
vi. 表演;表現
principle [ˋprɪnsəp!]
n. 原則,原理;道德原則,行為準則
concentration [͵kɑnsɛnˋtreʃən]
n. 專心,專注;集中
strengthen [ˋstrɛŋθən]
.vt. 鞏固,加強
muscle [ˋmʌs!]
n. 肌肉(可數)
precision [prɪˋsɪʒən]
n. . 精確性
studio [ˋstjudɪ͵o]
n. 播音室;工作室;攝影棚
breathing [ˋbriðɪŋ]
n. 呼吸
Practical Phrases
be popular with / among 受……的歡迎
Rap and R&B are popular with young people.
饒舌歌和 R&B 受年輕人的歡迎。
be good for... 有益於⋯⋯
Eating vegetables daily is good for your health.
You Can Do This 英文試金石
❶ The pop singer ____________ teenagers.
popular / with / is / very
❷ Jeff lifts weights _________________________.
muscles / strengthen / his / to
❸ James _____________________________ the machine to make sure it works properly.
perform / on / a check / will
1. The pop singer is very popular with teenagers.
2. Jeff lifts weights to strengthen his muscles.
3. James will perform a check on the machine to make sure it works properly.
皮拉提斯是二十世紀初由德國健身教練約瑟夫.皮拉提斯所開發 的一套運動系統。他在第一次世界大戰期間於英國被拘捕入獄的時候 創建了這項運動。戰後,他改進了這套運動並將其引進美國。他和妻 子在一間位於紐約市的工作室裡開班教學生。
皮拉提斯課程一直很受舞者的歡迎。2000 年代中期,這項運動 越來越受大眾歡迎。很多人都被皮拉提斯所吸引,因為它是一種可以 在不生成大塊肌肉的情況下增強身體力量的運動。此外,這項運動提 高了柔軟度和穩定性。
皮拉提斯有六個主要的原則:核心、專注、精確、控制、呼吸和 流暢。與其他運動不同的是,每個皮拉提斯動作做一兩次,搭配良好 的姿勢和深呼吸效果會更好。皮拉提斯主要訓練核心肌群,即腹部、 臀部和背部周圍的大塊肌肉群。這些課程通常使用瑜珈滾輪、彈力帶 和皮拉提斯墊等器材。