
靈命日糧 - 2005年3月27日 讀經: 哥林多前書15章1-19節
金句: 「基督若沒有復活,你們的信便是徒然,你們仍在罪裏。」(哥林多前書15章17節)
全年讀經: 撒母耳記上4-7章
耶穌基督的復活,是基督徒信心的房角石,沒有它,今生或來生對我們都毫無意義。那就是為什麼相信基督復活是那麼的重要,它不是一種彌漫著宗教氣氛的感覺或是捕風捉影的傳聞,它的確發生,並有真憑實據的歷史考證。 一個世紀以前,一群律師在英國會面,要討論耶穌復活的聖經記錄,他們想找到是否有足夠的訊息,足以將它列入法院記錄中;他們所得到結論是,基督的復活是歷史上最完整的事實之一。
在哈地(G. B. Hardy)的「計時」一書中,他提供一些與復活有關、發人深省的問題:「有兩個基本要件:(1)有沒有人假死並且證明過它?(2)我是否也能如此?」哈地接著宣稱:只有主耶穌的墳墓是空的,因為主耶穌勝過罪和死亡,因此我們這些信靠祂的人,將在祂的復活裏有份。
是的,主基督已復活, 祂已從墳墓出來; 祂為你打開死亡的鎖鏈, 如今有大能拯救。Woodruff
基督的復活不僅是歷史事件,也是我們得救的證明。 ***************************************************************************************************** Fact, Not Fable
Read:1 Corinthians 15:1-19 If Christ is not risen, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins! —1 Corinthians 15:17
Bible In One Year: 1 Samuel 4-7
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the cornerstone of the Christian faith. Without it we have no hope for this life nor the life to come. That's why it is important to recognize that our belief in Christ's resurrection is not based on a religious feeling or unfounded rumor, but on historical fact with solid evidence to support it.
A century ago, a group of lawyers met in England to discuss the biblical accounts of Jesus' resurrection. They wanted to see if enough information was available to make a case that would hold up in a court of law. They concluded that Christ's resurrection was one of the most well-established facts of history.
In his book Countdown, G. B. Hardy offers some thought-provoking questions about the resurrection: "There are but two essential requirements: (1) Has anyone cheated death and proved it? (2) Is it available to me?" Hardy goes on to declare that only the tomb of Jesus is empty. And because Jesus conquered sin and death, we who put our faith in Him will share in His resurrection.
"If Christ is not risen, your faith is futile," Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 15:17. Historical evidence and countless changed lives testify that the resurrection of Jesus is a fact. Have you put your hope in the risen Christ? —Dave Egner
Yes, Christ the Lord is risen, Has come forth from the grave; He breaks the chains of death for you And now has power to save. —Woodruff
Christ's resurrection is more than a fact of history—it's the proof of our salvation.