
下面是國外蠻有名的3D網站(FORUM /www.guru3d.com),其會員經長時間使用後,挑出來各不同型號的NVIDIA新舊顯示卡,比較適用的趨動程式(不含第三方趨動程式),樓主不妨參考:
Most Of The Chosen Drivers By Guru3d Members For Each GeForce Series Are Found Below:
GeForce 6 Series: 71.84, 67.03, 66.93, 66.81, 66.31, 66.00, 65.73, 62.20, 61.77, 61.76, 61.71, 61.34. GeForce FX Series: 66.93, 66.00, 61.77, 61.71, 61.34, 61.12, 61.11, 60.72, 56.72, 56.64, 53.03. GeForce 4 Ti Series: 56,72, 53.03, 44.67, 45.23, 44.03, 43.51, 43.45, 41.09, 40.72, 30.82. GeForce 3 Series: 56.72, 44.03, 43.51, 43.45, 40.72, 30.82. TNT2 & GeForce 2 & 4MX Series: 56.72, 45.32, 45.23, 43.51, 43.45, 30.82, 22.50.