
一點頭緒也沒有= =... 那就寫貪食蛇好了.... 程式邏輯比較簡單.... 程式碼也比踩地雷少一倍左右.... 可以用陣列或是鏈結串列去寫.... 用陣列比較好.... 因為比較較好寫.... 但缺點是比較浪費記憶體空間.... 如果一下就死掉的話  .... 我想網路上很容易找到這類的程式碼吧.... 真的找不到再來求助比較好.... 至少學到的東西是你的....

下面是引用superymu於2005-12-16 21:22發表的 : 請問一下... 怎麼在12*12的陣列當中 隨機放入12個地雷呢? 大概寫個程式碼.... 留一點給你自己寫... 加油囉  ..... 地雷數=0; while(地雷數<12) //要的地雷數 { //隨機取X和Y的值 x=rand()%12; y=rand()%12; if(mine[x][y]!=9) //判斷該位置是否已放置地雷 { 地雷數++; mine[x][y]=9 //9代表地雷 //下面的兩個迴圈將該地雷的周圍做加1的動作,mine[x][y]預設為0 for(i=x-1;i<=x+1;i++) for(j=y-1;j<=y+1;j++) { if(.....&&....) //用來判斷是首超出陣列而且不要包括地雷的位置 mine[x][y]++; } } }

首先你先設一個一樣大小的陣列... 譬如detect[12][12].... 陣列的定義是.... 0代表還未偵測.... 1代表已偵測... 2代表插旗子... 3代表打問號.... 那要做展開的動作.... 函數寫法大概如下.... 複製程式
void clear(int x,int y) //傳入的參數就是你點的位置
for(i=x-1;i<=x+1;i++) //做八方偵測
{ for(j=y-1;j<=y+1;j++)
if(.....) //判斷不要超出陣列&&不包含x和y本身&&dectct[i][j]=0(代表還未偵測過)
if(mine[i][j]<=8) //不要測試地雷本身
clear(i,j); //作遞迴
detect[i][j]=1; //這裡不作遞迴....碰到數字就停止
下次要印出圖形時.... 先判斷是否已偵測過.... 把偵測過的mine[x][y]印出來就好囉.... 缺的地方一樣自己補囉  ....

我寫完了耶 謝謝...^^ 不知道這樣行不行呢? 下禮拜助教要驗收... 複製程式
#include <iostream.h>
#include <conio.h>
#define MAX 25
int area,bomb_num;
int count = 0;
void Open_chk(int Save_Bomb[][MAX],int chk[][MAX],int x,int y)
int r = y-7; // 座標轉陣列位置
int c = x/2-2;
cout << "□";
chk[r][c] = 1;
for (int i=r-1; i<=r+1; i++)
for (int j=c-1; j<=c+1; j++)
if (Save_Bomb[i][j] != 0 && chk[i][j] == 0 && i>=0 && i<area && j>=0 && j<area)
cout << Save_Bomb[i][j];
chk[i][j] = 1;
if (Save_Bomb[r-1][c] == 0 && chk[r-1][c] == 0 && r-1>=0 && r-1<area && c>=0 && c<area) // 遞回散開上.下.左.右.左上.右上.左下.右下
if (Save_Bomb[r+1][c] == 0 && chk[r+1][c] == 0 && r+1>=0 && r+1<area && c>=0 && c<area)
if (Save_Bomb[r][c-1] == 0 && chk[r][c-1] == 0 && r>=0 && r<area && c-1>=0 && c-1<area)
if (Save_Bomb[r][c+1] == 0 && chk[r][c+1] == 0 && r>=0 && r<area && c+1>=0 && c+1<area)
if (Save_Bomb[r-1][c-1] == 0 && chk[r-1][c-1] == 0 && r-1>=0 && r-1<area && c-1>=0 && c-1<area)
if (Save_Bomb[r-1][c+1] == 0 && chk[r-1][c+1] == 0 && r-1>=0 && r-1<area && c+1>=0 && c+1<area)
if (Save_Bomb[r+1][c-1] == 0 && chk[r+1][c-1] == 0 && r+1>=0 && r+1<area && c-1>=0 && c-1<area)
if (Save_Bomb[r+1][c+1] == 0 && chk[r+1][c+1] == 0 && r+1>=0 && r+1<area && c+1>=0 && c+1<area)
void Bomb_View(int Save_Bomb[][MAX],int chk[][MAX],int x,int y)
if (Save_Bomb[y-7][x/2-2] == 0)
chk[y-7][x/2-2] = 1;
else if (Save_Bomb[y-7][x/2-2] == 9)
for (int i=0; i<area; i++)
for (int j=0; j<area; j++)
if (Save_Bomb[i][j] == 9)
cout << "⊙";
cout << "╔═════╗\n";
cout << "║ 你輸了 ! ║\n";
cout << "╚═════╝\n";
cout << Save_Bomb[y-7][x/2-2];
chk[y-7][x/2-2] = 1;
if (count == area*area-bomb_num)
cout << "╔═════╗\n";
cout << "║ 你贏了 ! ║\n";
cout << "╚═════╝\n";
void main(void)
int x = 4;
int y = 7;
int n;
int Save_Bomb[MAX][MAX] = {0};
int chk[MAX][MAX] = {0};
cout << "踩地雷方陣大小 : (5 ~ 25)\n";
cout << " ";
cin >> area;
while (area < 5 || area > 25);
cout << "地雷數 : (1 ~ " << area*area/5 << ")\n";
cout << " ";
cin >> bomb_num;
while (bomb_num < 1 || bomb_num > area*area/5);
cout << endl;
int BN = 0;
while (BN < bomb_num) // 亂數放地雷
int a,b;
a = random(area);
b = random(area);
if (Save_Bomb[a][b] != 9)
Save_Bomb[a][b] = 9; // 9 表示地雷
for (int i=a-1; i<=a+1; i++) // 地雷周圍數字累加
for (int j=b-1; j<=b+1; j++)
if (i>=0 && i<area && j>=0 && j<area && Save_Bomb[i][j] != 9)
for (int i=1; i<=area+2; i++)
for (int j=1; j<=area+2; j++)
if (i==1 || j==1 || i == area+2 || j == area+2)
if (i == 1 && j == 1) cout << "◎";
if (i == 1 && j == area+2) cout << "◎";
if (i == area+2 && j == 1) cout << "◎";
if (i == area+2 && j == area+2) cout << "◎";
if ((i == 1 || i == area+2) && j != 1 && j != area+2) cout << "─";
if ((j == 1 || j == area+2) && i != 1 && i != area+2) cout << "│";
else cout << "■";
cout << endl;
cout << "╔═════╗\n";
cout << "║ M 標記║\n";
cout << "║ ESC 離開║\n";
cout << "╚═════╝\n";
gotoxy(1,area+16); // 解答
for (int i=0; i<area; i++)
for (int j=0; j<area; j++)
cout << Save_Bomb[i][j] << " ";
cout <<endl;
while (1)
n = getch();
switch (n)
case 72:
if (y == 7) break;
else y=y-1; break;
case 80:
if (y == area+6) break;
else y=y+1; break;
case 75:
if (x == 4) break;
else x=x-2; break;
case 77:
if (x == area*2+2) break;
else x=x+2; break;
case 13:
if (chk[y-7][x/2-2] == 0) Bomb_View(Save_Bomb,chk,x,y); break;
case 27:
cout << "╔═════╗\n";
cout << "║ 已離開 ! ║\n";
cout << "╚═════╝\n";
case 109:
if (chk[y-7][x/2-2] == 0)
cout << "※";
chk[y-7][x/2-2] = -1;
else if (chk[y-7][x/2-2] == -1)
cout << "■";
chk[y-7][x/2-2] = 0;
[8 樓]
| Posted:2005-12-22 18:40 |

C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(12) : warning C4013: 'gotoxy' undefined; assuming extern returning int C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(13) : error C2065: 'cout' : undeclared identifier C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(13) : error C2297: '<<' : illegal, right operand has type 'char [3]' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(17) : error C2143: syntax error : missing '' before 'type' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(17) : error C2143: syntax error : missing '' before 'type' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(17) : error C2143: syntax error : missing ')' before 'type' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(17) : error C2143: syntax error : missing '' before 'type' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(17) : error C2065: 'i' : undeclared identifier C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(17) : warning C4552: '<=' : operator has no effect; expected operator with side-effect C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(17) : error C2059: syntax error : ')' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(18) : error C2143: syntax error : missing '' before '{' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(19) : error C2143: syntax error : missing '' before 'type' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(19) : error C2143: syntax error : missing '' before 'type' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(19) : error C2143: syntax error : missing ')' before 'type' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(19) : error C2143: syntax error : missing '' before 'type' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(19) : error C2065: 'j' : undeclared identifier C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(19) : warning C4552: '<=' : operator has no effect; expected operator with side-effect C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(19) : error C2059: syntax error : ')' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(20) : error C2143: syntax error : missing '' before '{' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(24) : warning C4552: '<<' : operator has no effect; expected operator with side-effect C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(65) : error C2143: syntax error : missing '' before 'type' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(65) : error C2143: syntax error : missing '' before 'type' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(65) : error C2143: syntax error : missing ')' before 'type' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(65) : error C2143: syntax error : missing '' before 'type' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(65) : warning C4552: '<' : operator has no effect; expected operator with side-effect C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(65) : error C2059: syntax error : ')' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(66) : error C2143: syntax error : missing '' before '{' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(67) : error C2143: syntax error : missing '' before 'type' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(67) : error C2143: syntax error : missing '' before 'type' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(67) : error C2143: syntax error : missing ')' before 'type' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(67) : error C2143: syntax error : missing '' before 'type' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(67) : warning C4552: '<' : operator has no effect; expected operator with side-effect C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(67) : error C2059: syntax error : ')' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(68) : error C2143: syntax error : missing '' before '{' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(72) : error C2297: '<<' : illegal, right operand has type 'char [3]' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(77) : error C2297: '<<' : illegal, right operand has type 'char [16]' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(78) : error C2297: '<<' : illegal, right operand has type 'char [16]' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(79) : error C2297: '<<' : illegal, right operand has type 'char [16]' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(80) : warning C4013: 'exit' undefined; assuming extern returning int C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(84) : warning C4552: '<<' : operator has no effect; expected operator with side-effect C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(91) : error C2297: '<<' : illegal, right operand has type 'char [16]' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(92) : error C2297: '<<' : illegal, right operand has type 'char [16]' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(93) : error C2297: '<<' : illegal, right operand has type 'char [16]' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(106) : error C2297: '<<' : illegal, right operand has type 'char [27]' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(110) : error C2297: '<<' : illegal, right operand has type 'char [11]' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(112) : error C2065: 'cin' : undeclared identifier C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(112) : warning C4552: '>>' : operator has no effect; expected operator with side-effect C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(116) : error C2297: '<<' : illegal, right operand has type 'char [15]' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(120) : error C2297: '<<' : illegal, right operand has type 'char [11]' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(122) : warning C4552: '>>' : operator has no effect; expected operator with side-effect C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(126) : error C2065: 'endl' : undeclared identifier C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(126) : warning C4552: '<<' : operator has no effect; expected operator with side-effect C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(128) : warning C4013: 'randomize' undefined; assuming extern returning int C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(129) : error C2143: syntax error : missing '' before 'type' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(130) : error C2065: 'BN' : undeclared identifier C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(133) : warning C4013: 'random' undefined; assuming extern returning int C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(139) : error C2143: syntax error : missing '' before 'type' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(139) : error C2143: syntax error : missing '' before 'type' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(139) : error C2143: syntax error : missing ')' before 'type' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(139) : error C2143: syntax error : missing '' before 'type' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(139) : warning C4552: '<=' : operator has no effect; expected operator with side-effect C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(139) : error C2059: syntax error : ')' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(140) : error C2143: syntax error : missing '' before '{' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(141) : error C2143: syntax error : missing '' before 'type' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(141) : error C2143: syntax error : missing '' before 'type' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(141) : error C2143: syntax error : missing ')' before 'type' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(141) : error C2143: syntax error : missing '' before 'type' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(141) : warning C4552: '<=' : operator has no effect; expected operator with side-effect C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(141) : error C2059: syntax error : ')' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(142) : error C2143: syntax error : missing '' before '{' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(150) : error C2143: syntax error : missing '' before 'type' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(150) : error C2143: syntax error : missing '' before 'type' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(150) : error C2143: syntax error : missing ')' before 'type' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(150) : error C2143: syntax error : missing '' before 'type' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(150) : warning C4552: '<=' : operator has no effect; expected operator with side-effect C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(150) : error C2059: syntax error : ')' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(151) : error C2143: syntax error : missing '' before '{' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(152) : error C2143: syntax error : missing '' before 'type' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(152) : error C2143: syntax error : missing '' before 'type' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(152) : error C2143: syntax error : missing ')' before 'type' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(152) : error C2143: syntax error : missing '' before 'type' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(152) : warning C4552: '<=' : operator has no effect; expected operator with side-effect C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(152) : error C2059: syntax error : ')' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(153) : error C2143: syntax error : missing '' before '{' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(156) : error C2297: '<<' : illegal, right operand has type 'char [3]' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(157) : error C2297: '<<' : illegal, right operand has type 'char [3]' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(158) : error C2297: '<<' : illegal, right operand has type 'char [3]' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(159) : error C2297: '<<' : illegal, right operand has type 'char [3]' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(160) : error C2297: '<<' : illegal, right operand has type 'char [3]' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(161) : error C2297: '<<' : illegal, right operand has type 'char [3]' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(163) : error C2297: '<<' : illegal, right operand has type 'char [3]' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(165) : warning C4552: '<<' : operator has no effect; expected operator with side-effect C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(168) : error C2297: '<<' : illegal, right operand has type 'char [16]' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(169) : error C2297: '<<' : illegal, right operand has type 'char [16]' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(170) : error C2297: '<<' : illegal, right operand has type 'char [16]' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(171) : error C2297: '<<' : illegal, right operand has type 'char [16]' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(174) : error C2143: syntax error : missing '' before 'type' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(174) : error C2143: syntax error : missing '' before 'type' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(174) : error C2143: syntax error : missing ')' before 'type' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(174) : error C2143: syntax error : missing '' before 'type' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(174) : warning C4552: '<' : operator has no effect; expected operator with side-effect C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(174) : error C2059: syntax error : ')' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(175) : error C2143: syntax error : missing '' before '{' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(176) : error C2143: syntax error : missing '' before 'type' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(176) : error C2143: syntax error : missing '' before 'type' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(176) : error C2143: syntax error : missing ')' before 'type' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(176) : error C2143: syntax error : missing '' before 'type' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(176) : warning C4552: '<' : operator has no effect; expected operator with side-effect C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(176) : error C2059: syntax error : ')' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(177) : error C2143: syntax error : missing '' before '{' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(178) : error C2297: '<<' : illegal, right operand has type 'char [2]' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(180) : warning C4552: '<<' : operator has no effect; expected operator with side-effect C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(205) : error C2297: '<<' : illegal, right operand has type 'char [16]' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(206) : error C2297: '<<' : illegal, right operand has type 'char [16]' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(207) : error C2297: '<<' : illegal, right operand has type 'char [16]' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(213) : error C2297: '<<' : illegal, right operand has type 'char [3]' C:\Documents and Settings\其鴻\桌面\程式設計\踩地雷.c(219) : error C2297: '<<' : illegal, right operand has type 'char [3]' Error executing cl.exe.
96 error(s), 21 warning(s)
錯誤全部邦你貼上了 改一改就ok
[9 樓]
| Posted:2006-02-28 13:44 |