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[PHP][討論] [求助][phpmychat]安裝的問題
安裝的其中一個步驟 這是什麼意思呢

Here's the config file created according to the information you have entered.

Copy all of it, including the first and last lines, and then paste it into your favourite text-editor (Notepad, Vi...). After this you *must* enter the database users password on line 7 and save the file as config.lib.php3.

Ensure that there is neither empty line neither space character, neither before the php opening tag neither after the closing one, then you can upload the config file to your server in the config dir (replace the existing one) and secure it (see the install.txt file in the docs dir for more information on this).

Don't forget to have a look at the warning message bellow.


// Database settings
define("C_DB_TYPE", 'mysql');
define("C_DB_HOST", 'localhost');
define("C_DB_NAME", Ƈ');
define("C_DB_USER", 'root');
define("C_DB_PASS", '*** Complete here ***');
define("C_MSG_TBL", 'c_messages');
define("C_USR_TBL", 'c_users');
define("C_REG_TBL", 'c_reg_users');
define("C_BAN_TBL", 'c_ban_users');

// Cleaning settings for messages and usernames
define("C_MSG_DEL", ྜ');
define("C_USR_DEL", Ɗ');
define("C_REG_DEL", Ɔ');

// Proposed rooms
$DefaultChatRooms = array('Default', 'MyRoom1', 'MyRoom2');
$DefaultPrivateRooms = array('Priv1', 'Priv2');

// Language settings
define("C_LANGUAGE", 'chinese_traditional');
define("C_MULTI_LANG", Ƈ');

// Registration of users
define("C_EMAIL_PASWD", Ɔ');

// Security and restriction settings
define("C_SHOW_ADMIN", Ɔ');
define("C_SHOW_DEL_PROF", Ƈ');
define("C_VERSION", ƈ');
define("C_BANISH", Ɔ');
define("C_NO_SWEAR", Ɔ');
define("C_SAVE", '*');

// Messages enhancements
define("C_USE_SMILIES", Ƈ');
define("C_HTML_TAGS_KEEP", 'simple');
define("C_HTML_TAGS_SHOW", Ƈ');

// Default display seetings
define("C_TMZ_OFFSET", Ɔ');
define("C_MSG_ORDER", Ɔ');
define("C_MSG_NB", ཐ');
define("C_MSG_REFRESH", ཆ');
define("C_SHOW_TIMESTAMP", Ƈ');
define("C_NOTIFY", Ƈ');
define("C_WELCOME", Ƈ');


Once you have completed the steps above, phpMyChat is near ready to run.
Just sets manually three variables at the top of the 'chat/admin/mail4admin.lib.php3'
script... and have some nice chat discussions.

After you have got phpMyChat up and running you should remove the
setup.php3 file and the whole 'chat/install' dir from your server.

[ 此文章被shinchu在2004-12-14 10:06重新編輯 ]

獻花 x0 回到頂端 [樓 主] From:台灣中華電信 | Posted:2004-12-14 09:23 |
kivimico 手機
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級別: 小有名氣 該用戶目前不上站
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define("C_DB_NAME", '這裡輸入資料庫名稱');
define("C_DB_USER", '這裡輸入資料庫使用者帳號');
define("C_DB_PASS", '這裡輸入資料庫使用者密碼');
安裝完後請刪除setup.php3 和整個install資料夾


我的網誌 http://www.wretch.cc/blog/altec
獻花 x0 回到頂端 [1 樓] From:未知地址 | Posted:2004-12-17 17:11 |

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