安裝前請先備份你的 WoW.. 下載並試先體驗 Burning Crusade , BETA 版+模擬器! (Bit Torrent 檔, 1.27GB) !警告! 本人, 本站與此模擬器沒有任何的關聯! 任何的風險將由您自行承擔這是 Blizzard 官方發佈的 Burning Crusade Close Beta 封測版本種子, 再加上 TBC 發怖的封測版本模擬器, 你可以進入資料片的區域內看看新地圖! 因為是模擬的, 所以並不會有怪物, 船或是任何東西. 只能讓你看看地圖.
1. 下載完 BC Beta 資料片後, 安裝.
2. 然後將 tbc-sandbox-release.rar 的壓縮檔解開全部放到 WoW 目錄下 (強烈建議備份你原來的 WoW)
3. 執行模擬器 TBCSandbox.exe
4. 再來執行 WoW 的主程式
5. 進入遊戲後, 帳號密碼都是 tbc , 然後使用指令來移動到不同的地區.
例如, 我要去 outland, 就按下 Enter 使用指令 .go 0 -14958 12761 36.1
我想要加速跑速, 就輸入 .speed 1000 (或更大的數值)
我要知道我現在的坐標, 輸入.gps
-- 模擬器 Readme 資訊 ---------------------------------------------------------------
World Of WarCraft TBC-Alpha EU & US supported Sandbox
ReLeaSe DaTe - X/8/2006
Tybe: BETA
Size: 323 KB
Game Release date - Unknown
URL -http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/burningcrusade/
1. Unpack with WinRAR.
2. Open your WoW-TBC folder
3. Copy over realmlist.wtf to WoW-TBC main dir
4. Double-Click TBCSandbox.exe
5. Run WoW-TBC Client. login with, User&pass: tbc
6. Read the Command below.
7. Enjoy!
Commands :?
.speed <speed value> (can be aNYTHING)
.go <mapid> <X> <y> <z>
.gps (tells position)
Some coordinates : (x, y, z)
[ "gmisland" ] =1 16222.1 16252.1 12.6
[ "programmerisland" ] =451 16391.8 16341.2 69.5
[ "designerisland" ] =451 16303.5 -16173.5 40.5
[ "theverdantfields" ] =169 -2674.5 -2275.8 148.3
[ "emeralddream" ] =169 3105.0 3096.0 27.0
[ "emeraldforest" ] =169 2737.8 -3320.2 102
[ "rumoredentrance" ] =269 -2074.77 7123.72 30.6
[ "outlands" ] =0 -14958 12761 36.1
[ "cavernsoftime" ] =1 -8513.5 -4472.2 -213.4
[ "dragonstatues" ] =37 -50.0 -40.5 271.6
[ "deeprunwaterworld" ] =369 81.7 1204.2 -71.5
[ "deadminessecret" ] =36 -1746.6 536.8 9.2
[ "azsharacrater" ] =37 1050.1 279.7 368.8
[ "hyjal" ] =1 4425.3 -3077.9 1043.9
[ "hyjalcave" ] =1 4800.5 -1728.5 1152.0
[ "hyjaltree" ] =1 5370.6 -3381.7 1655.5
[ "hyjalconstruction" ] =1 5478.1 -3730.9 1593.5
[ "hyjalruins" ] =1 5041.4 -1764.2 1321.8
[ "hyjalcrater" ] =1 5426.6 -2801.0 1463.0
[ "cavernsoftime1" ] =269 2079.2 213.1 85.6
[ "cavernsoftime12" ] =269 3053.4 2179.5 -144.8
[ "cavernsoftime2" ] =269 -2074.77 7123.72 30.6
[ "cavernsoftime22" ] =269 -1520.9 6877.9 -232.6