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Merry Christmas to all my friends in MyChat !!

Just passing by ,so I take this opportunity to pass on the compliments of the season
from myself to all my past fellow long time forum contributors
Wish you all and the family a Merry Christmas and have a great new year!

All the very best


- 子恆 -
獻花 x1 回到頂端 [樓 主] From:香港特別行政區 | Posted:2010-12-23 19:16 |
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hey 恆姑~ long time no see! how's going lately?
wish u a merry xmas and happy new year!
keep in touch!

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獻花 x0 回到頂端 [1 樓] From:沒有資料 | Posted:2010-12-24 15:26 |

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